Educational Theory into Practice Software

ETIPS - Make Thinking Visible

ETIPS cases provide students with varied and multiple opportunities to practice instructional decision-making in realistic contexts. They are specifically designed to apply recognized principles of effective teaching and professional standards in four curricular areas: technology integration, urban teaching issues, digital equity, and mentoring. Cases can be set in elementary, middle schools, or high schools and in rural, suburban, or urban settings.

ETIPS cases let students
  • engage in anytime, anywhere learning
  • practice instructional decision-making skills
  • receive immediate feedback on their decision-making strategies
  • apply theoretical educational principles in varied school contexts
ETIPS cases let teacher educators
  • easily access ready-made and challenging instructional tools incorporating recognized principles of effective teaching and accepted professional standards
  • customize assignments to meet specific course and student needs, adopting as many or as few as useful without cost
  • expand their instructional "toolkit" with a new analysis tool that provides an automated and continually updated portrait of students' understandings and skills.
  • utilize innovative, efficient assessment and class management tools
  • collect research data on students' utilization patterns and progress

Learn More about ETIPS cases features:

Cases are Adaptable: ETIPS cases are easily customized to support a wide variety of teacher education courses and to meet a range of curricular and student needs.

Cases are Easy to Use: ETIPS cases are designed and user-tested for ease of use with only a standard web-browser and Flash plug-in.

Cases are Reality-Based: ETIPS cases are relevant to real-world instructional challenges facing today's teachers.

Cases are Assessment-Based: ETIPS cases include an embedded suite of innovative assessment tools to make students' thinking strategies visible and provide immediate feedback.

Cases are Research-Based: ETIPS cases embody current research and professional standards of effective teaching and learning.