ETIPS - Make Thinking Visible
Professional Development
Professional development is targeted at successful technology integration. Professional development is an essential component in the process of teachers learning to effectively integrate technology in a classroom environment. This training can take many forms and should include a wide variety of skills beyond the operation of specific software. This resource area provides resources for professional development opportunities that exist across the country.
Professional Organizations for Social Studies
Minnesota Council for the Social Studies (MCSS)
Description: This site focuses on studying all social studies to promote understanding and compassion in teachers for the increasingly global classroom experience.
National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS)
Description: This site is to provide leadership, support and services to social studies educators.
MAGE: Minnesota Alliance for Geographic Education
Description: “An organization of educators and professionals who share a commitment to
quality education and the expansion of geography education.”
Professional Journals for Social Studies
American Memory Newsletter
Description: A quarterly newsletter with ideas and articles related to teaching with the American Memory Collection.
Sponsors & Affiliates: Library of Congress
CSS Journal (Computers in Social Studies Journal)
Description: CSS Journal is an electronic educational journal dedicated to the promotion of computers and related technology in social studies classrooms, at all levels. It is published four times a year. Access is available to members only. Membership is $10 annually.
Sponsors & Affiliates: Larry A. Hoar, Publisher and Editor
EdGIS: Electronic Mailing List (for users of GIS in school settings K-16)
Description: “The EdGIS electronic mailing list (listserv) is a forum for discussion about the educational uses of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), mapping software, and remote-sensing. TERC maintains this list for the community of professionals interested in the health and growth of GIS use in K-16 education.”
Sponsors & Affiliates: TERC
CNN’s Weekly Newsletter for Educators
Description: This weekly text e-mail will give you the advance information you need to integrate current events coverage into your curriculum. It will be sent directly to you from the desk of each Thursday.
Sponsors & Affiliates: CNN