ETIPS - Make Thinking Visible
Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes drive the selection of technology. In order for learning outcomes to drive the selection of technology, teachers must first be sure of their desired student learning outcomes. This important direction allows the efficient selection of technology applicable and appropriate for their learning outcomes. Teachers are often compelled to look to outside sources for standards in their practice, and this resource area provides links and descriptions of some of the major national standards for the subject.
Standards for Physical Education and Lifetime Fitness
Minnesota Electronic Curriculum Repository
URL: - currently down
Description: The Minnesota Department of Education is currently revising its webpage.
Sponsoring Organization: Minnesota Department of Education
Description: At this site are k-12 Standards for Physical Education. There are 5 standards that are broken down into 4 levels of benchmarks: k-2, 3 � 6, 7 � 8, and 9-12.
Sponsoring Organization: McRel (Mid Continent Research for Education and Learning), located in Aurora, Colorado is a private, nonprofit organization whose purpose is to improve education through applied research and development.
Minneapolis Public Schools Physical Education Content Standards
Description: Physical Education Content Standards are divided into 3 levels: Ages 5 �9, 9 � 14 and 14 � 18.
Sponsoring Organization: MPS
Sunshine State Standards for Physical Education
Description: This site contains standards and benchmarks for elementary physical education. The Sunshine Standards are divided into three strands: A) Physical Education Literacy B) Responsible Physical Activity Behaviors and C) Advocate and Promote Physically Active Lifestyles. Under each strand there are two standards that include Grades PreK- 2 benchmarks and Grades 3-5 benchmarks.
Sponsoring Organization: School District of Hillsborough County, Tampa, Florida
National Standards for Physical Education. ERIC Digest
Description: The National Standards for Physical Education was written in 1986 by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education. The seven national standards try to answer the questions, What should physically educated students know and be able to do? The presentation of the standards is according to grade level: K, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. Within each grade level, the standard is further defined, followed by a listing of the key points of emphasis for that grade level. Sample performance benchmarks are also offered at this site.
Sponsoring Organizations: ERIC, National Association for Sport and Physical Education
Adapted Physical Education National Standards (APENS)
Description: This site's purpose is to familiarize adapted and general physical teachers about national certification in adapted physical education.
Sponsoring Organization: Texas Woman�s University