ETIPS - Make Thinking Visible
Professional Development
Professional development is targeted at successful technology integration. Professional development is an essential component in the process of teachers learning to effectively integrate technology in a classroom environment. This training can take many forms and should include a wide variety of skills beyond the operation of specific software. This resource area provides resources for professional development opportunities that exist across the country.
Professional Journals for Music Education
MENC: The National Assocation for Music Education
Description: The mission of MENC: The National Association for Music Education is to advance music education by encouraging the study and making of music by all.
MENC Periodicals
Description: This site is home to the Music Educators Journal, Teaching Music, General Music Today, Journal of Research in Music Education, Update, Journal of Music Teacher Education .
Music Journals and Magazines, Newspapers and Periodicals
Description: Alphabetical listing of practically every publication relating to music.
Music Education Resource Links (MERL)
Description: MERL provides links to curriculum resources for each of the nine national content standards.
Computer Music Journal
Description: Computer Music Journal (CMJ) is a quarterly Journal that covers a wide range of topics related to digital audio signal processing and electroacoustic music.
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
URL: An ongoing database of musicological bibliography, in printed, online, and CD-ROM formats. This international bibliography of scholarly writings on music and related disciplines is classified by topic, and includes original-language titles; title translations in English; full bibliographic information; abstracts in English; author, journal, and subject indexes; and a thesaurus. RILM requires a subscription.Professional Organizations for Music
Minnesota Music Educators Association
Description: MMEA works to insure quality music education with an annual in-service conference, a quarterly magazine, and by sponsoring all-state band, choirs, orchestra, jazz ensemble and elementary and junior high festivals as enrichment experiences for our member's most talented students.
National Association for Music Education
Description: The mission of Music Teachers National Association is to advance music education by encouraging the study and making of music by all. This is done with various articles about the achievements of students and music groups, as well as contests for students to take part in.
Music Teachers National Association
Description: America's oldest music association, MTNA works to support music teaching and the art of music.