Educational Theory into Practice Software

Real-World Curriculum

ETIPS - Make Thinking Visible

Added Value

Technology use provides added value to teaching and learning. Educational technology does not possess inherent value but rather it offers immense potential when intentionally coupled with grounded planning and solid teaching. Technology should not be used as filler for lesson plans or as down time for the teacher but rather to enhance student learning on a particular topic. This resource area explores specific options for adding value to classroom through technology but is by no means an exhaustive list.

Small Motors - Engine Efficiency:  Manipulation of Database for Analysis of Engine Efficiency

Added value with technology:

  • Represents assorted data in a visual model that can be manipulated
  • Adds efficiency to an otherwise tedious sorting task
  • Multiple ways to reinforce the variables involved in a decision making process
  • Increases engagement of learners


  • Computer(s) with database application (ClarisWorks or Access)
  • Database of data collected for Possibilities and Factors comparison
  • Prepare scenario's of business use of lawn mowers.

Outcomes: To describe the possible types of engines

  • To describe the factors involved in making an informed decision
  • To demonstrate understanding of the comparative elements
  • To reach an informed conclusion on the database findings


  1. Preset - Review of former material:  Briefly review the methods by which we acquired the data that was placed in the comparison databases. Review how we input the data and the types of engines we chose for the comparison and why they were chosen.
  2. Point out the purpose of this lesson is to reach an informed conclusion on the most efficient lawn mower motor for our yard maintenance business.
  3. Demonstrate the manipulation of the database as a sorting instrument for each of the efficiency factors the class has chosen. Ask students to repeat this sorting maneuver until you are sure they understand the process.
  4. Assign student pairs/ teams to begin the manipulation process on their own database.
  5. Their assignment is to reach a conclusion for the scenario they have been given as to their use of this piece of equipment and needs.
  6. Closure:  Ask students to report on their scenario and where they are in their decision making process.


  • Ask student pairs/teams to present a written report on their findings.


Concept Mapping, Hypermedia and Web Search Use in Agricultural Education Classrooms

Added value with technology:

  • Represents assorted data in two visual models that can be manipulated
  • Multiple ways to reinforce the variables involved in a research
  • Increases engagement of learners

Course: Biotechnology

The Expanding Field of Biotechnology: Developing a concept for the breadth of biotechnology


  • Computer(s)
  • Concept mapping application (as Inspiration)
  • Hypermedia application (as HyperStudio or Power Point
  • List of subjects for biotechnology
  • Internet access from student computers


  • To list the possibilities for topics within biotechnology
  • To list the factors within the topics
  • To demonstrate how the concept mapping replicates a possibilities and factors lesson format
  • To problem solve a hypermedia representation of what they have learned about the field of biotechnology


  1. Preset - Review of former material:  Review with students the things they learned about the field of biotechnology. Using Inspiration on the teacher demonstration computer, ask students to take turns building a concept map for the class of the general topics, generated by the class, under the main biotechnology umbrella. 
  2. As students in pairs/teams to develop a concept map of the fields within the field of biotechnology.
  3. Teams will take the mapping to at least two levels deeper within these field categories using web search techniques to locate information that fully develops the many aspects of biotechnology.
  4. At the end of the first day: students will being to plan a hypermedia presentation for the class of one field within biotechnology (with references)
  5. Teacher will verify each field selected so that no field is replicated.
  6. Closure:  Ask student teams to give short presentations of what field they have selected to represent by hypermedia to the class.

A final presentation using hypermedia will allow for assessment of their knowledge of the field within biotechnology and their research of that body of knowledge.


Horticulture - Greenhouse Temperature Control:  Using Computer Technology to control Greenhouse Growing Environments 

Added value because of technology:

  • Provides multiple ways to reinforce the steps for setting the software.
  • Covers multiple learners in the learning process (logical, spatial, linguistic, kinesthetic, inter and intrapersonal, scientific) each in a creative format.
  • Increases engagement of learners


  • Enermodal Engineering (or similar software)
  • Greenhouse Software Toolkit
  • Greenhouse Manage package
  • Greenhouse computer
  • Printout of main screens for toolkit and package
  • Projection system


  • To describe the steps in setting the environmental needs of the Greenhouse 
  • To describe the key points associated with each step of planning environmental needs of Greenhouse 
  • To demonstrate understanding of the steps to setting Enermodal
    Engineering Greenhouse environment Toolkit.


  1. Preset - Review of former material:  Briefly review what has already been covered in the manual management of Greenhouse environment and plant maintenance program. Use the slide of Power Point presentation as a review for small groups. Assess for appropriate level of knowledge.
  2. Develop a base outline of PPT for Steps and Key Points
  3. Ask students to take turns and fill in the steps and Key Points for each section on the computer while the rest of the class fills in notes.
  4. Demonstrate using a projection system, so all students can see on the screen what the steps are once the students determine them.  Teams of two might be appropriate here.
  5. Closure:  Review the Steps and Key Points asking a pairs of students to demonstrate using the class computer and a projector.

Assessment:  Pass out a copy of the opening outline and have students fill in the blanks.


Leadership Training - Preparing for the Role of Treasurer:  Using the Spreadsheet Application for Financial Bookkeeping 

Added value with technology:

  • Covers multiple learners in a financial record keeping process
  • Represents assorted data in a visual model
  • Multiple ways to reinforce the variables involved in a decision making process 
  • Increases engagement of learners
  • Adds efficiency to an otherwise tedious record keeping task


  • Computer(s)
  • Projection Unit
  • Spreadsheet program: ClarisWorks, Excel
  • Related FFA financial records formats
  • Spreadsheet sample on all computers
  • A week of financial records to be placed into a spreadsheet


  • To list the key questions for input of data into a spreadsheet
  • To list categories for which the data may fit.
  • To demonstrate category selection and data input procedures


  1. Preset - Review of former material:  Review, with spreadsheet sample, the previous lessons on how to read and use spreadsheets.
  2. Deliver the lesson in terms of questions that students need to answer about spreadsheet input.
  3. The teacher will present the questions and answers and students will demonstrate the how-to of the answers.
  4. Closure:  Pass out the worksheet of a week of financial records for a treasurer. Go over the key questions and ask students to predict where each answer fits with the worksheet task.

Assessment:  Ask students to develop a spreadsheet from scratch and input the financial data into the spreadsheet they have developed.


Natural Resources - River Friendly Farmer Project:  Technical Writing in the Development of County-Wide Programs for RFFP 

Added value because of technology:

  • Culminates assorted data in a technical writing document
  • Multiple ways to reinforce the variables involved in a technical writing process
  • Covers multiple learners in the technical writing process 
  • Increases engagement of learners


  • Computer(s)
  • Word Processing application
  • Internet connection(s)
  • Concept mapping (could also be used to develop letter paragraphs)


  • To list and demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of RFFP
  • To demonstrate an understanding of advantages and disadvantages
  • To describe understanding in a concise technically written document.


  1. Preset - Review of former material:  As a class summarize the effects RFFP has on the environment and why farmers should agree to participate in the project. Ask the class to summarize reasons why they might not choose to participate. Review the Internet sites where statistical evidence can be procured for convincing farmers that this is a necessary and personally satisfying project for them.
  2. Using the advantages and disadvantages format, ask students to create a word processing outline or concept map of the points that need to be covered. (Students will work as pairs on computers while teacher works with students on demonstration computer.)
  3. Students will add to this document or map information from the web sources and documenting the source for their word processed document.
  4. Students will place the information they have found into a technical document that encourages farmers to participate in the RFFP.
  5. Closure:  Ask student pairs/teams to summarize what they have done and the general outline of the technical document they are creating.

Assessment:  The written document will be merged with the partial FFA chapter list each team holds and mailed to the recipient chapters for promotion of RFFP.

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Agriculture for Technical and Vocational Education

Ag's Cool Commodities


Grades:  5-9

Description:  This site has information about the wide variety 0f commodities produced in North Carolina.  It is very informative.

Sponsoring Organization:  North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Lundberg Family Farms


Description:  This is a Nebraska family who was forced to move west during the Dust Bowl of the 30�s.  They are now commercial farmers in Northern California and have developed this web site as a teaching tool for young researchers interested in knowing how important, soil enrichment, water management, conservation and other conservation strategies help today�s farmers some of the contributing factors to Dust Bowl of 70 years ago.

Soil Information

URL: %p Description:  This is a web site that has over 1,000 connections to other web sites that are related to the study of soil as related to agriculture.  This university site has been assembled by a professor and students.  The site links to other web sites for specific information as well as links to referenced papers by students in the course.  These latter items give visitors textual references for research papers and documentation for theses.

Sponsoring Organization:  Department of Land Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia 

North American Farm and Power Show


Description:  This is the Farm and Power show that is held in Minneapolis late in the year.  Although this gives information about the recently past show, it does keep the viewer up to date on future shows and activities.

Sponsoring Organization:  Tradexpos

World Dairy Expo


Description:  This is the World Dairy Exposition site held in Madison.  The information is current on the show of 2001 and again gives show information and activities.  There are an infinite number of these types of shows and sites on the web.

Learn Agriculture


Grades:  Elementary

Description:  What a site!  For the agricultural education teacher and for an elementary education teacher who is looking for new and vibrant ways to teach science.  This is Minnesota based and worth the look.

Ohioline, Yard and Garden


Description:  Ohio State Department of Agriculture has set up a page link to a variety of sites that they have evaluated for use by agricultural personnel.  This holds additional sites for teacher searches in specific subject areas.

Sponsoring Organization:  Ohio State University

Department of Land Management, Dr. Soil Surfs


Description:  Dr. Soil Surfs is a search engine for agricultural information and lesson plans for educators.

Landscape for Technical and Vocational Education

Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection


Description:  Dumbarton Research Library and Collection in Washington DC offers a wide variety of architectural styles for landscape design and a wealth of information for a teacher setting up a course in Landscape design and planning.

Yahooligans Teachers' Guide


Description:  This is the Yahoo Search engine teacher�s guide.  Has lots of helpful ideas on how to best use the internet with your students.  There is a science connection on this site but no direct connection to Agriculture.

National FFA Organization  


Description:  This is the national connection but there are also state and local web sites for the looking.  From this web site you can access 100 useful web sites for local FFA chapters and there are several FFA locals that are listed as having their own web sites.

Blackboard Resources


Description:  This is a page of links to Ecology related topics.  Students using this resource can find up to date news releases in the field of Environmental concerns and services.

Sponsoring Organization:  Blackboard

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Biotechnology for Technical and Vocational Education

Kapili Island


Grades:  6-12

On a group of islands in the Pacific, some people have dropped out of society and are only now, because of the WWW beginning to realize they can share their technology, research and work with the outside world without endangering their privacy.  There is a of stuff here, Biology, Astronomy, and Chemistry, as well as a teacher help site explaining how this meshes with national standards.   They have deliberately built on the excitement of being part of a castaway society of scientists.  The mystery is the greatest part of the learning.  This one is ***** Stars.

Genetic Engineering and its Dangers 


Grades:  7-12

Description:  This site contains a compellation of essays on the dangers of Genetic Engineering.  There are a variety of approaches taken here such as religious and ethical considerations, as well as health risks.

Sponsoring Organization:  San Francisco State University

Education Index, Agricultural Resources


Grades:  Elementary-College

Description:  Agricultural education is a direct link in an education index.  There are links to almost any imaginable information on agriculture, from Texas A&M Agricultural newsletters to safety reports.


Ecology and Earth Science for Technical and Vocational Education

ThinkQuest Library


Grades:  7-12

Description:  This is a wordy web page for older students.  It gives a huge amount of information about global warming as well as suggestions on how the student might help with the project.  There is a direct agricultural link on this site.

The Greenhouse Effect


Grades:  7-12

Description:  This is an information site on Global Warming and the Greenhouse effect on our climate.  It includes factual information about the types of gases and destructive nature of this effect on our environment.

A Paleo Perspective on Global Warming


Grades:  9-12

Description:  The paleontologists� perspective on global warming contains a new look at the evolution of our earth.  This site is designed with older students in mind.  It has lots of words and very thorough research.

Sponsoring Organizations:

Malva neglecta (Malvaceae).
Image above courtesy of S. Short.

National Wildlife Federation


Grades:  K-6

Description:  The National Wildlife Foundation has a page of links for Wildlife management and habitat information.  It includes Ranger Rick�s kid�s page and Wildlife Education links for teachers and students.

The Environment: A Global Challenge


Description:  The Environment: A Global Challenge is a site developed for Thinkquest in 1999 that received their outstanding award for the year.  This is an interactive site that asks users to join the campaign for the environment.  It allows users to enter stories, read others stories and check out a host of categories in which the environmentalist might have interests.

Sponsoring Organization:  ThinkQuest  

Image courtesy of ThinkQuest

For Kids Only


Grades:  Elementary

Description:  NASA studies the earth, not just space, and the studies have been written into a kid�s page for information.  Some are too wordy for young readers but there are Hot Links, teacher resources and games for young learners.

Sponsoring Organization:  NASA

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Horticulture for Technical and Vocational Education 

Minnesota State Horticultural Society


Description:  Looking up aquaculture nets an enormous number of sites for commercial fishing, conventions and conferences and fisheries among other choices.

The Great Planet Escape


Description:  A web page about plants and their connection in the food chain.  There is material for teachers to check out and on the same page the search begins for the students.

Sponsoring Organization:  University of Illinois Extension

Plants and Our Environment %p URL:

Grades:  4-6

Description:  This is a site for intermediate children about plants their parts and the ecology of plants and their environments.  It is a self search site with a link to an Indiana K-4 school that is very exciting to see.

Poisonous Plants Homepage %p URL:

Description:  This is a work in progress but has links to several Big Ten Ag schools with further information about poisonous plants to both livestock and house pets.

Sponsoring Organization:  Cornell University   

Junior Master Gardener


Grades:  Elementary

Description:  This is a super page for kids.  Flying bees, games and ideas for gardening are located here.  There is also an incredible collection of FUN websites for kids about horticulture and plants.  FIVE STAR *****

Wisconsin Fast Plants


Description:  Fast Plants is now it�s own commercial enterprise apart from the University.  These are seeds that germinate and go through the entire growing cycle from seed back to seed in 40 days.  They are ideal for school use because of the shortened cycle and growth that is so rapid that it can be measured from day to day.

Sponsoring Organization:  University of Wisconsin - Madison


Grades:  Elementary

Description:  This web site is a teacher resource for growing gardens.  There are contests, resources, and pictures and the NGA membership brings a newsletter, magazine, seeds, coupons, and discounts for seed purchases.

Sponsoring Organizations:  


Description:  Creating a school garden, planning, using the crops in school lunches and teaching children to help themselves are some of the things featured here.  This is a project that links schools to other schools for information and contacts.

Sponsoring Organization:  Texas A&M  

Explore the Fantastic Forest


Description:  This is the site of the 1996-97 school year project of exploring a World of Habitats, Seeing a World of Difference.  This is a virtual walk through a forest that once you have completed it you can receive a certificate, printed on your printer, that you have taken the walk.

Sponsoring Organization:  National Geographic  



Grades:  3-6

Description:  This a Seuss game that requires the latest version of Shockwave that you can download from the site.  The game is called Save the Trees and the Lorax is your host through the game.

Sponsoring Organization:  Books at Random - Random House, Inc.  

Shades of Green:  The Earth's Forests


Description:  Thinkquest is an extensive library of virtual web space.  This library section is called Shades of Green:  Earth�s Forests: Forest types and forest life, forest importance, threats to forests and forests through time.  Teacher resources are included with lesson plans, projects, and activities provided.  

Tree Homes:  Who Lives Here?


Description:  An interactive site for science from the University of California Berkeley, this requests and requires you download Shockwave before viewing the site.  The most valuable link on this web site is the Hot Links button for teachers.  It gives you another source of web links for class activities and web use in the classroom.

Sponsoring Organizations:  

Livestock for Technical and Vocational Education 

4-H Farm Animal Awareness Workbook


Description:  This also is for young children and it is a rather simple attempt to teach but much too wordy.  An example for older students to look at and make changes to for building their own site to give agricultural information.

Sponsoring Organizations:  

Moo Milk


Description:  This is a fun page of things to do and see for young and old.  There is a great dot to dot that is worth at least trying.  Cow screensavers are available and lots of basic information about the Dairy industry along with hot links to related sites.